Simplified theory of conciousness
Major-premise: There is a 50% chance that your consciousness is immortal. Minor-premise A: There is a 50% chance that time is infinite. There are two possibilities: that time ends or that it continues infinitely. If you accept that we cannot prove either and must therefore assign a 50% probability for each then you accept this premise. Minor-premise B: Your consciousness is substrate, space and time independent. Sub-premise i: Substrate independence. If you accept that your consciousness can be copied onto a different substrate without losing integrity then you accept this premise. Sub-premise ii: Space independence. If you accept that you are constantly moving through space without your consciousness losing integrity then you accept this premise. Sub-premise iii: Time independence. Thought experiment: Imagine that your brain is frozen with every proton and electron held perfectly in place for a million years and then unfrozen again. You would resume thinking and not f...